SHS Course Description Booklet
SHS Pathways and Opportunities
In November, Sheridan High School students will begin the registration process of selecting courses for the next school year. Though it seems to be a long way off, we must get started early to develop a master schedule and consider staffing needs.
Counselors will be sharing registration details with students before Thanksgiving break. As parents, please begin having conversations about future interests with your student(s). Registration and planning have become a very complex undertaking with students, parents, and counselors needing to consider graduation requirements, personal interests, Hathaway Scholarships, etc.
Students will be given a letter with each randomly selected registration time and date, a pass to leave class for the appointment, and instructions for students to select their required courses and electives online. They have also been sent an email with the course description booklet and online registration instructions. All courses must be requested in Infinite Campus on the online Multi-Year Academic Planner (MYAP) before the student’s registration appointment.
You may access the course description book and instructions online anytime. Please review with your student the course description book, which can be found on our district website address of, click on SHS, and then the counseling office. Students must show up for their appointments already having reviewed the course selections with their parents.
Our counselors will meet with each student individually after Thanksgiving break to review course requirements, SHS graduation requirements, and process student course selections for the next school year.
Please be aware that your student’s registration appointment is only 10 minutes. If they miss their scheduled appointment, they will need to reschedule after all other appointments are complete.